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murdo eason
Dec 13, 2023
still, still
still water, world in depth screen print trees sink as golden leaves — on surface pass by ferns disrupt a reverse of space still,...

murdo eason
Dec 11, 2023
Fitzcarraldo in Winter
Coastal shoreline after a fall of snow. Sun is bright in the sky, shining through milky clouds. A white boat with three portholes, on the...

murdo eason
Dec 5, 2023
lines / layers
View from a train window on the East Coast Main Line. A green field of grass is bounded by a low stone wall. Beyond are beach dunes and...

murdo eason
Nov 21, 2023
tuning path
tuning in through copper blue *** Woodland walk through fallen brown eaves from denuded beech trees. An envelope of bright blue sky...

murdo eason
Nov 15, 2023
Just "Path" Green Scotways signpost, on the outskirts of Dunfermline, pointing left that says "Path". A 40mph sign is attached to the...

murdo eason
Nov 14, 2023
ash cloud manifestation
ash cloud manifestation Bare branches of the upper part of an ash tree, set against blue sky. A transluscent wisp of cloud appears to be...

murdo eason
Nov 9, 2023
sun-framed dolmen (Fifestyle)
Dolmen style megalith constructed at the entrance to Goathill Quarry, Fife, with a fibreglass goat standing on top. The sun is sitting,...

murdo eason
Oct 20, 2023
parallel towards the vanishing
Two parallel lines, in green grass, extending towards a vanishing point that is lost in distant woods below the just visible outline of...

murdo eason
Oct 20, 2023
glyph walkers
Two tall pylons standing in a field of cut barley. Furrowed lines and circular shapes are etched into the surface of field contours....

murdo eason
Oct 19, 2023
ah, reveal
ah, when the colours of autumn start to reveal themselves. ~~~ Green leaves of bramble that have been spray painted bright pink. A pink...

murdo eason
Oct 19, 2023
urbe in res / yellow echo
Metal post in close up which has yellow paint daubed over it. Tree branches, green foliage and yellowing leaves blur and echo in the...

murdo eason
Sep 25, 2023
tidelines / margin walker
A receding tide on the West Fife littoral reveals parallel lines of exposed landforms. In the middle distance, the slow deliberation of a...

murdo eason
Aug 24, 2023
stalk(er) photo
Field of recently cut barley rising on an incline. A ridge of trees angles in from the left hand side, below a cloud filled sky. np:...

murdo eason
Aug 23, 2023
eye to the horizon
Metal post, on the West Fife coast, has rusted to form a 'window' for an eye, through which the observer can see the River Forth, the...

murdo eason
Aug 4, 2023
a line made by looking (after R.L.)
land line land mark A diagonal mark cuts across a field of barley, turning from green to gold. The line appears to head towards a...
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